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Q & A

What affect does blank media have on the quality of the copy from the duplicator?

The type and quality of the blank media is one of the most important factors concerning the duplication quality. The better the quality of media you can use the better the duplication results will be.

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If you use the same blank media, will you get the same results no matter which duplicator you use?

No. Even if you use the same media, the duplicator itself will have far different outcomes depending on the brand used. In order to prove this, there is a scale called P.I.P.O which is used for testing the burn/copy quality of a duplicated disc. The quality is determined by the compatibility between the drive and the disc. Using this analyzing procedure, even using the same disc, when you duplicate with different burners the P.I.P.O will come out different. The SharkCopier utilizes special software in the controller to run the drives which are specially designed specifically for multi-drive duplication. This controller, manufactured by Vinpower Digital, also includes an extensive media list inside the operation system to detect specific kind of media and changes the writing strategy to generate the best possible quality for that media. So, when using a SharkCopier with the recommended drives, compared to an alternative duplicator with the same kind of drive, you will find the quality from the SharkCopier to be far superior.

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